The room was full of all the most intelligent people in our country. There was Sarah Paline, Rush, and Glenn. McCain was talking to Huckabee. Hillery and Michelle were sitting on a couch chatting and laughing. They were all there. Letterman. Brokaw. Oprah. Barrak. Bush. Even Al Gore. Looking around the room, you would wonder how all of these folks who normally disagree are all together in the same room.
A waiter made his way through the room with a tray full of various finger food items. Then there was a bright flash. The room was full of light! It was so bright that all darkness was pushed out of the room. Everyone's attention were instantly drawn to the source of the light. It seemed to come from the Back corner near the hall. Yet the light seemed to come from everywhere, and nowhere. But everyone ended up looking into the corner of the now brilliant room. There was something there. Or someone, anyway.
This dazzling figure looked around to all of the faces. He looked into every pair of eyes. Looking past the their own self images into their inner most selves. Then he spoke....
"Folks, I come with a message from the Lord. He has said that He knows your sin. He knows your self righteousnesses." He raised his head toward Heaven and prayed. "My Lord in Heaven, I have come here to give your message. Thank you for your faithfulness."
Then looking back at the crowd of leaders, He said, "I have put you where you are to give you a voice and responsibility to care. Turn from your evil ways and do what is right. The fate of the people of this country are in your hands. Choose wisely. Make just decisions. Lead with my Truth. I have placed you where you are and I can take it all away. Do not continue in your selfishness! For it will lead to your destruction. Study Me. Love Me more than yourself. Serve others. Give to those that are in need but do not burden the people. Hear my words you fool hearty people. Follow my ways and I will be with you till the end of your days."
The room went dark. The darkness and silence filled the room. Soon murmers rose. Wispers flowed through the crowd. And soon the room was all abuzz and had returned to the old lighting and you could see the faces of perplexed people.
No one in the room would ever be able to explain what happened there that day. Some tried to blame it on a odd joint hallucination. Like a multi-person acid trip. But the one thing none of them could deny, it happened. And all of them were there. Some of theleaders from that day heeded the message. Some did not. With in a year from that day, half the people in that room had been either voted out of office, fired or arrested for the wrong doings. Their sins found out. The others that kept their faith in the message, did right by the people of the country. God would rise up others that would take the place of the fallen and lead our country to one the knew and feared Him.
Just as I was enjoying this new world, I woke up. I realized that it was all a dream. But as I prayed, I began to become aware of God's message from that dream, His Kingdom comes through His people, not through Government. If we want this country to change we need to do it from one person at a time. Just as He has done in your life.
Love Him with all your heart, mind, and spirit.
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