I have been looking and searching for quite a few years now and have discovered that 95% of our everyday products come from other countries, and mostly from China. Why is it that way? Is it because they have better products? Or maybe they have the corner on the technology? Or maybe it is because the are CHEAPER.
I recently bought a pair of shoes. They were not the lowest price but not the high end either. I also bought some inserts. After getting home, I thought to look at them more closely, Both products made in China. I really did not have any choice. The inserts were the only ones there. The shoes were the only ones in my price range. I have a Driod 2 cell phone that is also made in China. If I looked, I could find a cell phone that is made here in the US, but all too often these days, if you want a good product that is cutting edge technology, you HAVE to buy outside of the US. Even my car is foreign.
I buy local and US produces when I can but it is like eating healthy, it costs more. That is why we have to buy Chinese. I must say that I have not looked at the number, largely because I cannot find them. Even without them, I have been shopping. And most of what I see in the stores now are made outside the US. Even the high tech stuff. I even see a lot of it in my job in the medical field. We buy gloves used to protect us from body fluids of infectious patients and to prevent them from getting contamination. The same place we get kids toys that has lead and other toxins in them! One that really gets me is that the good ol' Boy Scouts of America buys their uniforms from China! I am going to have to keep searching for those numbers because from where I stand it does not look good for us. We are dependant upon other countries to sustain our way of life. I am all for capitalism except when it takes away the jobs and livelihoods of our own people. Bring our industries back to us.
Until then, I will need to rely on the Chinese products. But I will look for more and more ways to buy local and American.
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