Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Passion vs Money

I have been conflicted for a few years about following my passion of nursing and making money. Since I am older and it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up, I feel like I am very much behind the power curve (as I stated last time). My primary job in adulthood has been electronic (specifically aviation). Because of that and electronics tend to pay more at this point, I have been trying unsuccessfully to get into the FAA. I have an opportunity to possibly work in Seattle. This of course, would require me to live there and my family to live here or for us all to move back to the west side. None of those options or really great. SO..... what are the pros for taking a job like that? Money. Only money. And even if I can spend time going to school while working for the FAA, I would still not advance myself in the career of nursing. My wife says that if I choose the FAA I will probably not get into nursing later. This is unfortunately true. Even if I did, it would take almost twice as long to get my degree. However, we would make some good money.

I have recently been reminded of Jonah. He was the reluctant prophet in the Bible. I learned that Jonah ran from God not only because of his dislike for the people of Nineveh but because he was seriously afraid of them. If my passion for nursing and people is from God and I go into the FAA, would not be like Jonah going to Tarshish? If so, what am I afraid of? Failing. Of not being "good enough." I can see myself being a nurse practitioner but doubt if I have what it takes.

God provides for us even in our failures. And I chose now and forever to follow Him. If this passion is from Him then I need to follow it. And trust that God will meet our needs. So do I believe that God has given me a passion for nursing? Yes. AS much or more than Jonah being called to Nineveh.

With that said, I publicly announce that I will pursue nursing and nursing only as a means to become what God has made me. I may take part in other things in order to get where I need to but I will not do it if it takes me away from my pursuit of nursing.

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Gloria Dei vivens homo (The glory of God is man fully alive)
    -St. Iranaeus (from the 2nd century)

    Love God, and do what you will.
    -St. Augustine

    Learn this...and the path ahead will be filled with purpose, joy and meaning, not matter what it is you choose.
