Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Start....

So i want to start blogging. This is not going to be a fancy blog, and certianly full of spelling errors. So please do not correst them. This is for me to get my thoughts and ideas out. It is NOT an english test or essay. So get over it sweet heart!

Anyway, i am not going to do a lengthy intro, as i continue blogging you will get to know me. I want to start with a subject that is currently on my mind. when does one get to that point in life that they realize that you have nothing to show for your life? I am not talking midlife crisis here, i am talking about the realization that you have spent the first 10-15 years of your adult life and have no career to show for it. No job skills. Nothing. I am also not talking to those wifes (and husbands) that have chosen to stay at home with the kids, that is a job! I am 37 and am currently getting into nursing. It seems that i am talking about me. I am not. I have spent 16 years in the military and during that time have worked in either electronics or in medical. so my going into nursing is not really new but getting the training to take the next step. I have a career. I have had a career, the military is a job in and of itself. I am talking about my brother. He is 34 and doesn't work. He has no education outside of high school and has not worked in the same field of work for very long. he is a manual laborer. it bothers me that people will live this way. He is not the only on mind you. There is a guy in the apartment complex i live in that has a bachelor's degree in finance but works at domino pizza. What is up with that? There is another guy here that has an engineering degree and draws unemployment. He says he can't get a job. Times are tuff economically, but there are always jobs. even if it is flipping burgers or picking up trash. not that those are bad jobs but they don't pay a lot. but the key is, they pay! I have a job. It is not a lot but it supports my family. My brother cannot pay the child support he owes because he doesn't go out and get a job.

I find it interesting that these people also have plenty of opinions about the reasons they don't have jobs. They also like to blame everyone else. Is our economy that bad? if so, then why could they not get a job BEFORE the economy when south? My brother is 34 remember? What has he been doing since graduating high school?

Maybe I sound like a i judging. I have had my own issues to deal with and it has takin me awhile to make up my own mind what to do with my life but i guess that is why this bothers me. I see my brother's struggle and want to help him. But is he wanting help.

So, my concludtion of this is that I got through only with God as my teacher and guide. I see the hurt in these folks because I have been there. My next issue is, how to help my brother and others like him.

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