I have been wondering what God has in store for me in the upcoming year...
And the Aswer I have received is Mathew 28:18-20
18 Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,[b] baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” New Living Translation
I got to thinking about this and it has occured to me that I have been given this Word before. So what is specific about this Word for THIS year? The image that comes to mind is this:
Over the years I have been through some stormy weather. My hull has taken a beating and even lost some of the integrity. God has taken me into the ship yards for a retrofit back in 2008. Now I am ready for my maiden voyage as a newly refurbashed man serving God in a way that reflects His Kingdom and not a church or program. 2011 is the year God will begin to get me out to sea and let open the sails. More than any other year in my life, I feel that I am more myself. More of the man He made me to be.
May He speak to you this year and grow you and guide you. Mean while, anchors up and full speed ahead full rudder!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Unemployment and welfare.....
There has been a heated debate over the issue of unemployment benifits and universal health care and welfare and tax breaks. I cannot think of any better way of saying it but like John Wayne as G.W. McClintock in McClintock
Devlin Warren: Step down off that carriage, mister!
George Washington McLintock: [Swings and McLintock and gets thrown to the ground] Hold that hog leg! I've been punched many a time in my life but never for hirin' anyone.
Devlin Warren: I ...don't know what to say. Never begged before. Turned my stomach. I suppose I should have been grateful that you gave me the job.
George Washington McLintock: Gave? Boy, you've got it all wrong. I don't give jobs I hire men.
Drago: You intend to give this man a full day's work, don'tcha boy?
Devlin Warren: You mean you're still hirin' me? Well, yes, sir, I certainly deliver a fair day's work.
George Washington McLintock: And for that I'll pay you a fair day's wage. You won't give me anything and I won't give you anything. We both hold up our heads. Is that your plug?
Devlin Warren: Yes sir.
George Washington McLintock: Well, hop on him and we'll go get your gear.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I had a dream......
The room was full of all the most intelligent people in our country. There was Sarah Paline, Rush, and Glenn. McCain was talking to Huckabee. Hillery and Michelle were sitting on a couch chatting and laughing. They were all there. Letterman. Brokaw. Oprah. Barrak. Bush. Even Al Gore. Looking around the room, you would wonder how all of these folks who normally disagree are all together in the same room.
A waiter made his way through the room with a tray full of various finger food items. Then there was a bright flash. The room was full of light! It was so bright that all darkness was pushed out of the room. Everyone's attention were instantly drawn to the source of the light. It seemed to come from the Back corner near the hall. Yet the light seemed to come from everywhere, and nowhere. But everyone ended up looking into the corner of the now brilliant room. There was something there. Or someone, anyway.
This dazzling figure looked around to all of the faces. He looked into every pair of eyes. Looking past the their own self images into their inner most selves. Then he spoke....
"Folks, I come with a message from the Lord. He has said that He knows your sin. He knows your self righteousnesses." He raised his head toward Heaven and prayed. "My Lord in Heaven, I have come here to give your message. Thank you for your faithfulness."
Then looking back at the crowd of leaders, He said, "I have put you where you are to give you a voice and responsibility to care. Turn from your evil ways and do what is right. The fate of the people of this country are in your hands. Choose wisely. Make just decisions. Lead with my Truth. I have placed you where you are and I can take it all away. Do not continue in your selfishness! For it will lead to your destruction. Study Me. Love Me more than yourself. Serve others. Give to those that are in need but do not burden the people. Hear my words you fool hearty people. Follow my ways and I will be with you till the end of your days."
The room went dark. The darkness and silence filled the room. Soon murmers rose. Wispers flowed through the crowd. And soon the room was all abuzz and had returned to the old lighting and you could see the faces of perplexed people.
No one in the room would ever be able to explain what happened there that day. Some tried to blame it on a odd joint hallucination. Like a multi-person acid trip. But the one thing none of them could deny, it happened. And all of them were there. Some of theleaders from that day heeded the message. Some did not. With in a year from that day, half the people in that room had been either voted out of office, fired or arrested for the wrong doings. Their sins found out. The others that kept their faith in the message, did right by the people of the country. God would rise up others that would take the place of the fallen and lead our country to one the knew and feared Him.
Just as I was enjoying this new world, I woke up. I realized that it was all a dream. But as I prayed, I began to become aware of God's message from that dream, His Kingdom comes through His people, not through Government. If we want this country to change we need to do it from one person at a time. Just as He has done in your life.
Love Him with all your heart, mind, and spirit.
Monday, November 29, 2010
When it snows......
Normally, the world around us is found to be busy. When wwe go outside, there are sounds of leaves and sounds of kids playing, squirrels and birds, cars and lawnmowers. There are many sounds and they are all ablaze in activity.
But then the leaves begin to fall giving us more sounds of the rustling and crinkling of those multi colored sheets of autumn. There are Halloween hauntings and decor. Trash bags of leaves litter the yards. Kids still play but now with sweaters and jackets. Still movement. Still noise.
But then one morning, the world seems different. Even the light in the house is different. The sounds coming from outside are muted and hushed. You look out the window and there is a blanket of pure white snow. Excitedly you dress in the warmest clothes. Open your door, and step out. Out here there is silence. The sounds of the house waking up and the sounds of life in the world before you are drowned out to nothing.
The think layer of snow seems to blanket the sound as well as the earth. Any sound that is made travels in all direction leaving you wondering where it even came from. It sounds far away yet very near. Even the crunch your steps are drowned out.
The trees are covered. They are like tall sentries tucked into bed from a long watch. A wall of knitted branches with lines of brown, green, and white tangling together to close in the world. Snow is falling from a steel gray sky that covers you in an odd sense of comfort and warmth.
You stand there in the snow, letting the new flakes fall around you. You can not feel them, yet the are there. What is falling from the sky? A cold weightless flake. Another and another they fall. Not much as they fall but together they steal the sounds and smother the world.
The snow does not kill or destroy but covers the life around to let it sleep. Let it rest. You can feel that comfort as you watch the snow falling lovingly to the ground. A quite whisper of soothing music comes to your ears. Not the bustle of activity you hear in the very spot at other times. But it is a lullaby for a world who is tired and weary.
Let the snow come. Take a rest. When the snow comes...
But then the leaves begin to fall giving us more sounds of the rustling and crinkling of those multi colored sheets of autumn. There are Halloween hauntings and decor. Trash bags of leaves litter the yards. Kids still play but now with sweaters and jackets. Still movement. Still noise.
But then one morning, the world seems different. Even the light in the house is different. The sounds coming from outside are muted and hushed. You look out the window and there is a blanket of pure white snow. Excitedly you dress in the warmest clothes. Open your door, and step out. Out here there is silence. The sounds of the house waking up and the sounds of life in the world before you are drowned out to nothing.
The think layer of snow seems to blanket the sound as well as the earth. Any sound that is made travels in all direction leaving you wondering where it even came from. It sounds far away yet very near. Even the crunch your steps are drowned out.
The trees are covered. They are like tall sentries tucked into bed from a long watch. A wall of knitted branches with lines of brown, green, and white tangling together to close in the world. Snow is falling from a steel gray sky that covers you in an odd sense of comfort and warmth.
You stand there in the snow, letting the new flakes fall around you. You can not feel them, yet the are there. What is falling from the sky? A cold weightless flake. Another and another they fall. Not much as they fall but together they steal the sounds and smother the world.
The snow does not kill or destroy but covers the life around to let it sleep. Let it rest. You can feel that comfort as you watch the snow falling lovingly to the ground. A quite whisper of soothing music comes to your ears. Not the bustle of activity you hear in the very spot at other times. But it is a lullaby for a world who is tired and weary.
Let the snow come. Take a rest. When the snow comes...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Fall is coming
The other day my kids started singing a Thanksgiving version of Jingle Bells. I have been writing this song in my head ever since. So for my kids, here is "Running Through the Leaves."
Running through the leaves
It's our favorite way to play
Some stick to our sleeves
We're laughing all the way
We hear the dinner bell ring
Making our spirits bright
For it's a day to sing!
Let us eat tonight!
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is on its way;
Oh what fun it is to eat
And enjoy this thankfuilled day!
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is on its way;
Oh what fun it is to eat
And enjoy this thankfuilled day!
Running through the leaves
It's our favorite way to play
Some stick to our sleeves
We're laughing all the way
We hear the dinner bell ring
Making our spirits bright
For it's a day to sing!
Let us eat tonight!
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is on its way;
Oh what fun it is to eat
And enjoy this thankfuilled day!
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is on its way;
Oh what fun it is to eat
And enjoy this thankfuilled day!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tolerance and the Kingdom of God
I have heard much in the way of defining marriage and gays and so on. Preferences and rights and protests and religious bigotry. On Aug 4th, a court in California repealed the State's law defining marriage as between a man and a woman and defining domestic partnerships and their rights. Essentially, the ruling says that gays and lesbians are allowed to marry because marriage and domestic partnership are two different things and they deserve the same rights and status as married couples.
As a member of the Body of Christ, I have to as myself what I believe and why. Then I have to compare it to God's view. God sees people not laws and deeds. He clearly says that homosexuality is wrong. But so is divorce, theft, sex outside of marriage, lying, idol worship, killing, etc. We live in a fallen world. It is a world full of people. And with people, you have sin. With sin, you need Jesus. Sin is sin. We all sin. So why are we not compassionate towards all sinners equally?
Why would we let a divorced individual serve in church but exclude a gay person? Why is it that we can embrace a drug addict and not a gay couple? We have laws in some states that allow a man and woman who are living together to receive rights as a married couple even though they never really married. My brother and sister-in-law fall under that. But if they were the same sex, they could not get the same rights. Yet is sex before marriage not also a sin? There is a double standard there.
I don not ask anyone to bend on the issue of any sin and ever think it is some how OK. But what I ask is to seek His Kingdom and wisdom in living with sin in our own lives and in others. Look at the plank in your eye before removing the speck in an other's. Gay folks should not be treated differently. They are sinful people just as we are. Love the sinner but hate the sin-- all sin, even your own. Then we will see the Kingdom of God in our lives.
As a member of the Body of Christ, I have to as myself what I believe and why. Then I have to compare it to God's view. God sees people not laws and deeds. He clearly says that homosexuality is wrong. But so is divorce, theft, sex outside of marriage, lying, idol worship, killing, etc. We live in a fallen world. It is a world full of people. And with people, you have sin. With sin, you need Jesus. Sin is sin. We all sin. So why are we not compassionate towards all sinners equally?
Why would we let a divorced individual serve in church but exclude a gay person? Why is it that we can embrace a drug addict and not a gay couple? We have laws in some states that allow a man and woman who are living together to receive rights as a married couple even though they never really married. My brother and sister-in-law fall under that. But if they were the same sex, they could not get the same rights. Yet is sex before marriage not also a sin? There is a double standard there.
I don not ask anyone to bend on the issue of any sin and ever think it is some how OK. But what I ask is to seek His Kingdom and wisdom in living with sin in our own lives and in others. Look at the plank in your eye before removing the speck in an other's. Gay folks should not be treated differently. They are sinful people just as we are. Love the sinner but hate the sin-- all sin, even your own. Then we will see the Kingdom of God in our lives.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The ultimate sacrifice: LIFE
Pro-life, pro-choice, pro-capital punishment, anti-capital punishment, pro-euthanasia, anti-euthanasia, etc.
All of these revolve around the issue of life. You could even throw in pro war/anti war issues too if you wanted to. But I am really exploring the issue of euthanasia. I heard a radio host talking about a guy named Garry Phebus. Mr Phebus is a man from Georgia that wants to donate his organs-- now. He has Lou Gehrig's disease. This is a terminal illness. Right now he is fairly healthy as far as the illness goes. He cannot walk much and his vision is poor. But his organs are in good condition. All he wants to do is donate his organs now. He knows he is dying and his life will only get worse. He wants to have surgery to remove his organs and donate them. This will kill him of course.
He talked it over with his family and wife who all understand what he wants to do. No doctor will do it. Only three states offer assisted suicide. He is also looking into other countries that might do it. Our current way of looking at this issue is that life is the most important issue and must be preserved even if the individual does not want to live.
I must say that this shakes a few of my thoughts about life. I work in health care and have seen people in suffering conditions. You don't know how much pain you can feel when you are caring for someone who lays there dying. The sound of their breathing. There vacant look in their eyes. The lack of movement. Cleaning up any waste (there usually is none), swabbing and moistening their lips. Death is hard to see. Suffering is worse.
But should we help people die? I am inclined to yes. If you think about it this way, they have nothing much to live for except to make their family feel better. The dementia patient that has no clue who they are or their own family. They cannot talk. They cannot comprehend. The cancer patient whose organs are failed or failing. The Lou Gehrig's patient who has nothing but suffering to look forward to. If the only reason they continue living is to make their loved ones feel better, is that good enough.
This host believes that this guy should be allowed to donate his organs now. I may not agree with every point he made but I have to consider one: what about that person who needs a liver? Are they not important? If that person gets a liver, they will live a good quality life. Garry will not if he lives.
I am in fact, thinking that what he wants to do is more Christ like than what we all do. It may just be the ultimate sacrifice. What do you think? Thoughts, comments?
All of these revolve around the issue of life. You could even throw in pro war/anti war issues too if you wanted to. But I am really exploring the issue of euthanasia. I heard a radio host talking about a guy named Garry Phebus. Mr Phebus is a man from Georgia that wants to donate his organs-- now. He has Lou Gehrig's disease. This is a terminal illness. Right now he is fairly healthy as far as the illness goes. He cannot walk much and his vision is poor. But his organs are in good condition. All he wants to do is donate his organs now. He knows he is dying and his life will only get worse. He wants to have surgery to remove his organs and donate them. This will kill him of course.
He talked it over with his family and wife who all understand what he wants to do. No doctor will do it. Only three states offer assisted suicide. He is also looking into other countries that might do it. Our current way of looking at this issue is that life is the most important issue and must be preserved even if the individual does not want to live.
I must say that this shakes a few of my thoughts about life. I work in health care and have seen people in suffering conditions. You don't know how much pain you can feel when you are caring for someone who lays there dying. The sound of their breathing. There vacant look in their eyes. The lack of movement. Cleaning up any waste (there usually is none), swabbing and moistening their lips. Death is hard to see. Suffering is worse.
But should we help people die? I am inclined to yes. If you think about it this way, they have nothing much to live for except to make their family feel better. The dementia patient that has no clue who they are or their own family. They cannot talk. They cannot comprehend. The cancer patient whose organs are failed or failing. The Lou Gehrig's patient who has nothing but suffering to look forward to. If the only reason they continue living is to make their loved ones feel better, is that good enough.
This host believes that this guy should be allowed to donate his organs now. I may not agree with every point he made but I have to consider one: what about that person who needs a liver? Are they not important? If that person gets a liver, they will live a good quality life. Garry will not if he lives.
I am in fact, thinking that what he wants to do is more Christ like than what we all do. It may just be the ultimate sacrifice. What do you think? Thoughts, comments?
Friday, July 23, 2010
The trouble with girls.....or is it me?
As a boy, I always wanted to get married. I loved the idea of being married because I wanted kids. I wanted a wife too but I don't think I really joined the two together. Partily because I was scared of girls. But mustly because I liked girls for a TOTALLY different reason I liked kids. But it is hard to have one without the other.
But I often felt that I would probably not have a family. I never thought I would have a girl who would marry me. I was ugly. A nerd. A reject. Me talking to a girl would have been amasing. Atleast intimantly. So I thought that ultimantly, I would be single all of my life. My desire was to have someone to love. A wife, and a kid or two. I had a few girlfriends through the years of puberty. Most were because they liked me and voiced their feelings. My way of dealing with the fear I had, and justifing not facing that fear, was to say that if she really liked me, she would ask me out. Fact is, I was just too scared.
As a matter of fact, I remember in high school, a gorl named Michelle and I started talking a bit and then she started dating a guy named Chris. After that, I was talking to her and she confessed she had a crush on me once. But, she said I never acted on my feeling and so I missed my chance. I was dumb. You se, I had crushes on so many girls in school. I just never acted on them. Paula, Michelle, Nikki, Kelly, Rea, Karla, April, Ect. I could go on and on and on. One of them, Danyelle, did get my number and called me. We started dating and were going to get married. That is a different story. Key is, she called me first.
Perhaps, the strongest feelings felt towards a girl in high school was Ann (name changed to protect her privacy). She was the girl I crushed on the hardest and longest. And we became very close. We shared private feelings and emotions. But I never acted on my feelings. I just loved her. I was sure even to this day, she never felt the same. We did "date" once. For a week. You know, the whole, "we are going out" thing but never really going out. She broke up with me because she said, "I was the kind of guy she could fall in love with." I don't know if I believed her. Still don't know. That was the begining of my senior year.
Funny thing is that we continued to be best friends. We talked all the time on the phone and even passed a notebook of notes to each other back and forth in school. I remember that I kissed her once. It was the sweetest softest kiss I had ever had. Of course she was the third girl I had kissed. The first girl almost didn't count since she was very agressive in wanting to kiss me and I did not really like her. The second was Danyelle and I certainly wanted to! But with Ann, it happened at a class party at school and never went anywhere. I still had Danyelle and she had a boyfriend. We just got too close while dancing. But I could have acted. I could have pursued it. But she had said she just wanted frienship when we broke up. I respected that.
Now, 20 years after I graduated high school, I am married to the most beautiful woman and have three kids. Did I ever get over my fear of girls? No. They still scare me senseless! But some how, I had a brief moment of courage, or insanity, and asked my now wife out on a date. After that, she has made it easy to be myself and not fear her. I say insanity because I liken that act with jumping of a cliff. I did it when I kissed "Ann" and when I kissed another girl when I was in the Marines. I did it when I asked Charity out. And kept doing it with her because she drew me to do it. Like that light to a moth.
So is the trouble with girls or is it me? I would say it is me. Because I of this I sometimes wonder if any of the girls in my past ever wonder what would have happened if that cute but slightly off nice guy had asked them out. Or if "Ann" ever wished things were different. If I had acted on my feeling, I would never had known my wife. But I would not have cared. I couyld have gone out with Michelle. I could have done a lot. But now, I know. Now I have a lot. Now, facing the fear is worth it.
But I often felt that I would probably not have a family. I never thought I would have a girl who would marry me. I was ugly. A nerd. A reject. Me talking to a girl would have been amasing. Atleast intimantly. So I thought that ultimantly, I would be single all of my life. My desire was to have someone to love. A wife, and a kid or two. I had a few girlfriends through the years of puberty. Most were because they liked me and voiced their feelings. My way of dealing with the fear I had, and justifing not facing that fear, was to say that if she really liked me, she would ask me out. Fact is, I was just too scared.
As a matter of fact, I remember in high school, a gorl named Michelle and I started talking a bit and then she started dating a guy named Chris. After that, I was talking to her and she confessed she had a crush on me once. But, she said I never acted on my feeling and so I missed my chance. I was dumb. You se, I had crushes on so many girls in school. I just never acted on them. Paula, Michelle, Nikki, Kelly, Rea, Karla, April, Ect. I could go on and on and on. One of them, Danyelle, did get my number and called me. We started dating and were going to get married. That is a different story. Key is, she called me first.
Perhaps, the strongest feelings felt towards a girl in high school was Ann (name changed to protect her privacy). She was the girl I crushed on the hardest and longest. And we became very close. We shared private feelings and emotions. But I never acted on my feelings. I just loved her. I was sure even to this day, she never felt the same. We did "date" once. For a week. You know, the whole, "we are going out" thing but never really going out. She broke up with me because she said, "I was the kind of guy she could fall in love with." I don't know if I believed her. Still don't know. That was the begining of my senior year.
Funny thing is that we continued to be best friends. We talked all the time on the phone and even passed a notebook of notes to each other back and forth in school. I remember that I kissed her once. It was the sweetest softest kiss I had ever had. Of course she was the third girl I had kissed. The first girl almost didn't count since she was very agressive in wanting to kiss me and I did not really like her. The second was Danyelle and I certainly wanted to! But with Ann, it happened at a class party at school and never went anywhere. I still had Danyelle and she had a boyfriend. We just got too close while dancing. But I could have acted. I could have pursued it. But she had said she just wanted frienship when we broke up. I respected that.
Now, 20 years after I graduated high school, I am married to the most beautiful woman and have three kids. Did I ever get over my fear of girls? No. They still scare me senseless! But some how, I had a brief moment of courage, or insanity, and asked my now wife out on a date. After that, she has made it easy to be myself and not fear her. I say insanity because I liken that act with jumping of a cliff. I did it when I kissed "Ann" and when I kissed another girl when I was in the Marines. I did it when I asked Charity out. And kept doing it with her because she drew me to do it. Like that light to a moth.
So is the trouble with girls or is it me? I would say it is me. Because I of this I sometimes wonder if any of the girls in my past ever wonder what would have happened if that cute but slightly off nice guy had asked them out. Or if "Ann" ever wished things were different. If I had acted on my feeling, I would never had known my wife. But I would not have cared. I couyld have gone out with Michelle. I could have done a lot. But now, I know. Now I have a lot. Now, facing the fear is worth it.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Father's Day 2010
It was pointed out to me today that I do not blog about my kids. I don't. I do post about them on FB but I usually blog about issues that I am dealing with or are of an interest to me.
If that is the case then I should blog about my kids. They are the loves of my life. So, here it goes....
I became a father 10.5 years ago. My baby was born Sept. 20th of 1999. I scared to death. I was afraid of her! But my wife was semi patient with me. I got through it. Then we went and had a boy. I was scared of him too! Hugging and kissing and cuddling a little girl was one thing. But I (I never had much physical affection as a kid) had an issue with doing that with a boy. Well, now I am heart broken because he has it in his head that it is wrong for a boy to kiss his dad. It is funny how things turn around on you. I now have a third child. My Bug. All three have a special place in my heart. All three are mine to love. All three are precious.
And maybe that is why I feel so depressed this Father's Day. I have put these kids through so much because I can't get my life striaght. I can't seem to get it right to provide for them. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to give them anything they want. But I want to give them more than I do. More that I can.
This has been my struggle with God recently. I want to give them a house and yard. I want to give them a home. But it aludes me. God alludes me. I allude me.
So with thay said, Let me tell you about me kids. Rebekah is the oldest. She is our Boo. Bekah Boo. At 10 yrs she has been through a lot. She has epilipicy. But she is a good kid. She gets over stimulated easily but enjoys herself most of the time. She has the most beautiful smile and the brightest eyes. That is my Boo.
Caleb is the little gentleman. Mama's Little Man. Daddy's Little padawan. His dedication to things like cubscouts and his family is a trait I wish I had myself. It is amazing how you can look at your kids for the very traits you yourelf desire.
Last is my cuddle bug. Sarah is my youngest. She is bright and cheerful. Very loving and affectionant. Yet intense when she is mad! The perfet blend of stuborness and bullheadiness. I don't know she gets those traits from! LoL. Seriously, I could not imagine life with out her. Kind and loving are her defining traits.
I love each of them.
If that is the case then I should blog about my kids. They are the loves of my life. So, here it goes....
I became a father 10.5 years ago. My baby was born Sept. 20th of 1999. I scared to death. I was afraid of her! But my wife was semi patient with me. I got through it. Then we went and had a boy. I was scared of him too! Hugging and kissing and cuddling a little girl was one thing. But I (I never had much physical affection as a kid) had an issue with doing that with a boy. Well, now I am heart broken because he has it in his head that it is wrong for a boy to kiss his dad. It is funny how things turn around on you. I now have a third child. My Bug. All three have a special place in my heart. All three are mine to love. All three are precious.
And maybe that is why I feel so depressed this Father's Day. I have put these kids through so much because I can't get my life striaght. I can't seem to get it right to provide for them. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to give them anything they want. But I want to give them more than I do. More that I can.
This has been my struggle with God recently. I want to give them a house and yard. I want to give them a home. But it aludes me. God alludes me. I allude me.
So with thay said, Let me tell you about me kids. Rebekah is the oldest. She is our Boo. Bekah Boo. At 10 yrs she has been through a lot. She has epilipicy. But she is a good kid. She gets over stimulated easily but enjoys herself most of the time. She has the most beautiful smile and the brightest eyes. That is my Boo.
Caleb is the little gentleman. Mama's Little Man. Daddy's Little padawan. His dedication to things like cubscouts and his family is a trait I wish I had myself. It is amazing how you can look at your kids for the very traits you yourelf desire.
Last is my cuddle bug. Sarah is my youngest. She is bright and cheerful. Very loving and affectionant. Yet intense when she is mad! The perfet blend of stuborness and bullheadiness. I don't know she gets those traits from! LoL. Seriously, I could not imagine life with out her. Kind and loving are her defining traits.
I love each of them.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Politicas and Religion: Banned
I had a thought. What do people talk about? It has been said that you can talk about anything except Poiltics and religion. It is presumed that it is because of the heated disscussions that can insue. Yet when with my friends, we talk more or less lightly about various things but never too deep. As a matter of fact, while gathered the other night, a friend said that we could and should make a radio show of our random discussions. "It would be funny," was how it was discribed. So it occured to me that at one time people did not have TV, radio, or even much in the way of books, not to mention the light at night to do so. Did they sit around making cude jokes and picking on each other? Or did they discuss the day's work? Maybe they broke the rule and discussed politics. I tend to believe that they discussed inportant issues like wether the US should get involved in the war with Spain of Mexico. I know that would sit and disscuss the latest news from big cities. So why was it good for them but we have refrain from it?
I simply believe it is because we don't want to make a stand. These folks knew less that we did becausethey did not have the rapid flow of info that we have today. But they had oppinions about politics and religion. They were wrong at times but atleast they stood for something.
Do you stand for something? Do you speake out about it? If not, don't let the "rule" of politics and religion: banned get in your way.
I simply believe it is because we don't want to make a stand. These folks knew less that we did becausethey did not have the rapid flow of info that we have today. But they had oppinions about politics and religion. They were wrong at times but atleast they stood for something.
Do you stand for something? Do you speake out about it? If not, don't let the "rule" of politics and religion: banned get in your way.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A battle to be fought.
I have been stuggling with the idea of violence and killing. It may seem obvious that killing is wrong. The ten commandments say so. So do the laws of all most all of the countries in the world. Yet, people kill people. Sometimes it is justified and sometimes not. But how do you justify a sin? But alas, this is not strictly about killing but about violence.
John Elder teachs about men needing a battle to fight. I have been wondering about this since I have been addressing the issue of war and killing. I war is wrong and not justified, then how can we justify "battle"?
I think I understand. Reading in a book by Dave Wolverton, Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia, Luke explains the difference in using the Force as the "intent". You see, his view of the Force is how you intend on using it. Selfish use leads to the Dark Side. Using it in anger does as well. But if your intent is for good, then it is the Light Side of the Force. Fighting or battling I think is the same way.
Now I know that you could apply this to war and killing as well, and I agree. But war and killing should never happen unless it is needed in the defense of others. A fine line but those who seek God's wisdom first should be able to distinguish between the two.
So what about this Battle to Fight? Is this where we men get dressed up in our suit of armor and get lifted onto our horses and try to stab each other with a spear on seriods? Or maybe it is when we face each other in the middle of a dusty street winking into the sun with a tough grimince on our face waiting for the other person to "draw" first. Maybe it is like a scene from Good Will Hunting when Will and his friends get out of their car and starts a fight on the basket ball court just because one of the guys had said something about Will. It was man against man and no holds barred. But then maybe it is none of that and it is the man and car against man and his car racing around the tract just to see who drives best and fastest.
Honestly, I think that it is the challenging things that we battle against. I have fought to get where I am now and I am fighting still to go farther still. It is our fears. It is ourselves we must fight. You see, I am where I am (which is not too far) not because I have fought others but I have fought the fear with in me. I have fought myself I am my own worst enemy. And instead of excepting myself the way I am, I am excepting only that inwhich God made me to be. And I am not there yet. But I am fighting to get there.
The battle to be fought is the daily battle for our own selves. Our own hearts. Go and fight the good fight young paddiwan. Go.
John Elder teachs about men needing a battle to fight. I have been wondering about this since I have been addressing the issue of war and killing. I war is wrong and not justified, then how can we justify "battle"?
I think I understand. Reading in a book by Dave Wolverton, Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia, Luke explains the difference in using the Force as the "intent". You see, his view of the Force is how you intend on using it. Selfish use leads to the Dark Side. Using it in anger does as well. But if your intent is for good, then it is the Light Side of the Force. Fighting or battling I think is the same way.
Now I know that you could apply this to war and killing as well, and I agree. But war and killing should never happen unless it is needed in the defense of others. A fine line but those who seek God's wisdom first should be able to distinguish between the two.
So what about this Battle to Fight? Is this where we men get dressed up in our suit of armor and get lifted onto our horses and try to stab each other with a spear on seriods? Or maybe it is when we face each other in the middle of a dusty street winking into the sun with a tough grimince on our face waiting for the other person to "draw" first. Maybe it is like a scene from Good Will Hunting when Will and his friends get out of their car and starts a fight on the basket ball court just because one of the guys had said something about Will. It was man against man and no holds barred. But then maybe it is none of that and it is the man and car against man and his car racing around the tract just to see who drives best and fastest.
Honestly, I think that it is the challenging things that we battle against. I have fought to get where I am now and I am fighting still to go farther still. It is our fears. It is ourselves we must fight. You see, I am where I am (which is not too far) not because I have fought others but I have fought the fear with in me. I have fought myself I am my own worst enemy. And instead of excepting myself the way I am, I am excepting only that inwhich God made me to be. And I am not there yet. But I am fighting to get there.
The battle to be fought is the daily battle for our own selves. Our own hearts. Go and fight the good fight young paddiwan. Go.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Standing tall
For my last post, I was feeling very depressed and ashamed of myself. I still feel that way deep in side. I know that God and I are addressing the issues and I can stand tall knowing that He is with me. In me shame and discust, He has not judged me. He has not rejected me. I have a long way to go on my Journey with Him before He calls me home. But He is God and He will be with me. For anyone who read the previous post, know that I am ok. I have these bouts at times.
Though I am not strong like Him, He is holding me up. I may be desiesed on the inside, but He is healing me. I love you, Lord!
Though I am not strong like Him, He is holding me up. I may be desiesed on the inside, but He is healing me. I love you, Lord!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Who told you that you are naked?
Tonight as I prayed and when to my private place with God, I had a vision. I first stood on the beach with arms stretched out to the side in a stance of praise before Him. I then stood tall with chest out as Superman. I was proud and might as the oak He said I am. Then, I could not hold my belly in any longer. I let it out and it stuck out further than my chest. I could not suck it in. I then saw myself in the "inner room" where I can talk alone with God. A place for just Him and me. And there I stood, trying even harder to suck in my belly. To cover myself. My clothes could not cover me. My belly was too big. I fell in a ball on the floor desperate to hide my fully naked body. My belly big and round and ugly. My body, a hideous mess. And He stood before me as I lay curled up crying. I picture my self cutting my belly out like I would an apple. Just get rid of it. Get rid of my ugliness, my doubt and shame.
He says to me, "Who told you that you were naked?"
Who told me? Is it not obvious? I thought, "You bastard, this is your fault! I have served faithfully. I have given so much. I have been patient. I have "played" the game. Yet I have no blessing. I still struggle. I am still fat and ugly. I still sin.I am still not worthy of you and I have loved you so much!" I yell this through my sobs and cries. I mean it but don't. I am ashamed to feel it and say it but know it is truly how I feel.
He lifts me up and tells me to see myself as He does. That is all well and good but I live among people. I want to be liked. I want to be a good person in their eyes. I want to be like the worship people. Admired and revered. Oh I have heard the "they put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else." Bologna! If they did, they have to deal with the same shit I have to deal with.
All of this praise God for this or for that. "oh, I am thankful He did this for me." "I did something bad to a friend and God helped us restore the friendship" It all feels fake when compared to the raging storm with in me. "give more to God, Give Him your time, Give Him your self. I have! I gave it, freely and without reservations. But still I am laying on the floor before Him naked and ashamed. Crying like a baby. Here is your mighty oak, Lord! Here is your broken servant.
I can do no more. I want to fly. I want to live. I want to BE the oak tree. I want to BE the hero. Not just pretend to be. But I don't know how. I don't know how. So I lay here before God naked and ashamed.
I hear again through my sobs, "Who told you that you are naked?"
He says to me, "Who told you that you were naked?"
Who told me? Is it not obvious? I thought, "You bastard, this is your fault! I have served faithfully. I have given so much. I have been patient. I have "played" the game. Yet I have no blessing. I still struggle. I am still fat and ugly. I still sin.I am still not worthy of you and I have loved you so much!" I yell this through my sobs and cries. I mean it but don't. I am ashamed to feel it and say it but know it is truly how I feel.
He lifts me up and tells me to see myself as He does. That is all well and good but I live among people. I want to be liked. I want to be a good person in their eyes. I want to be like the worship people. Admired and revered. Oh I have heard the "they put their pants on one leg at a time like everyone else." Bologna! If they did, they have to deal with the same shit I have to deal with.
All of this praise God for this or for that. "oh, I am thankful He did this for me." "I did something bad to a friend and God helped us restore the friendship" It all feels fake when compared to the raging storm with in me. "give more to God, Give Him your time, Give Him your self. I have! I gave it, freely and without reservations. But still I am laying on the floor before Him naked and ashamed. Crying like a baby. Here is your mighty oak, Lord! Here is your broken servant.
I can do no more. I want to fly. I want to live. I want to BE the oak tree. I want to BE the hero. Not just pretend to be. But I don't know how. I don't know how. So I lay here before God naked and ashamed.
I hear again through my sobs, "Who told you that you are naked?"
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The North and South and state's rights
I asked myself a question the other day. "What if the South had won?" That got me to really thinking about a few things. For the past few years I have heard several thoughts on the issue of state vs federal and big vs small government. I have asked myself, "Who has the true power?" We are supposed to be a united country: The United States of America. Yet I ask you, who or what unites us? The very documents that established this country say, "We, the People..." So the union is kept together by the people. We are governed by the people for the sake of the people. Not the government governs for the sake of the govenrment.
What this has to do with the Civil War is this, the South was right. Not about slavery. Slavery is VERY wrong. But they are right about the issue of state rights. You see, the outward cause for the war may have been the issue of slavery but the real reason was that the Federal government started taxing the southern states without hearing their voice. Much like the way England did to us. During the "revolutionary" days, the colonials were patriotic englishmen. They did not want to start a war. They did not want to leave England. They just wanted equal say in government. That is all that the South wanted. When they did not get it, they esentially, "deradified" the Constitution.
What did radifing the Constitution do for the state? It gave them protection from outside nations. It also protected the states from each other. The Contitution was radified by selected represenatives from each state to agree to the contract. They had to agree to the stipulations contained within the Constitution. So the loyalty is to all of the other states. The parties of the contract were the people of each state. In a normal contract between two or more people, if the contract becomes void because someone has violated the terms, the contract is broken and restitution is to be made.
The process of a territory becoming a state now requires an Enabling Act. The Federal Congress votes on the Act and if is accepted, the territory becomes a state. So the territory first agrees to the Constituion and then the other states agree to allowing the territory to become part of the Union. In a contract, each party need to sign the contract to make it binding. But sometimes, a party can default or break the contract. If a party does not uphold their part of the contract, then the contract is void. Why does this not aply to te Constitution? It is a contract. If the Federal government violates the contract, should that then make the "contract" with the state void? Or atleast give them the option of backing out.
Our Federal government has taken many of our state rights and not just the current health care plan, but the appointment of senators by the state government, education, taxation, and many more that would take a while to expound apon.
I am not saying that the South should have seceded. I am not saying that they should not have fought for their rights. I simply beleive they had a right to leave the Union if the contact was broken. I wish the issue of slavery had not been so hyped up to over shadow the true issue of state rights. A solution was not reached. Yet now we live where our states and our people cant walk away from the contract with the rest of the states if the government violates it.
Do adn think what you will on my blog. Just know that I am a patriot and love my country just as the colonials did in their time. God Bless the US!
What this has to do with the Civil War is this, the South was right. Not about slavery. Slavery is VERY wrong. But they are right about the issue of state rights. You see, the outward cause for the war may have been the issue of slavery but the real reason was that the Federal government started taxing the southern states without hearing their voice. Much like the way England did to us. During the "revolutionary" days, the colonials were patriotic englishmen. They did not want to start a war. They did not want to leave England. They just wanted equal say in government. That is all that the South wanted. When they did not get it, they esentially, "deradified" the Constitution.
What did radifing the Constitution do for the state? It gave them protection from outside nations. It also protected the states from each other. The Contitution was radified by selected represenatives from each state to agree to the contract. They had to agree to the stipulations contained within the Constitution. So the loyalty is to all of the other states. The parties of the contract were the people of each state. In a normal contract between two or more people, if the contract becomes void because someone has violated the terms, the contract is broken and restitution is to be made.
The process of a territory becoming a state now requires an Enabling Act. The Federal Congress votes on the Act and if is accepted, the territory becomes a state. So the territory first agrees to the Constituion and then the other states agree to allowing the territory to become part of the Union. In a contract, each party need to sign the contract to make it binding. But sometimes, a party can default or break the contract. If a party does not uphold their part of the contract, then the contract is void. Why does this not aply to te Constitution? It is a contract. If the Federal government violates the contract, should that then make the "contract" with the state void? Or atleast give them the option of backing out.
Our Federal government has taken many of our state rights and not just the current health care plan, but the appointment of senators by the state government, education, taxation, and many more that would take a while to expound apon.
I am not saying that the South should have seceded. I am not saying that they should not have fought for their rights. I simply beleive they had a right to leave the Union if the contact was broken. I wish the issue of slavery had not been so hyped up to over shadow the true issue of state rights. A solution was not reached. Yet now we live where our states and our people cant walk away from the contract with the rest of the states if the government violates it.
Do adn think what you will on my blog. Just know that I am a patriot and love my country just as the colonials did in their time. God Bless the US!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Scouting.....What is the purpose and are we putting our kids in danger?
I am a Cub Scout leader in my son's Pack. I have been a Cub Scout leader off and on for several years. My wife and I enjoy the idea of Scouting and love the outdoors. We are both involved in Scouting with Cubs and Girl Scouts. We have girls who would love to be in Cub Scouts rather than Girl Scouts.
Over the years we have thought about the two most prominent scouting groups in the world. How can we have the best of both for boys and girls in the same program? We have looked at various other programs (Earth Scouts, Adventure Scouts, Campfire USA, AWANAS). But the tradition Boy and Girl Scouts have won, at least until we either create a new program or someone else does that allows boys and girls to do scouting together yet retain the true essence of scouting.
In this 100th year for the Boy Scouts, I have done some research into the formation of scouting and specifically the BSA. Robert Baden-Powell started scouting as a result of an unexpected phenomenon. He wrote a book on surviving in the wild based on his experiences in Africa. It was intended for his follow military members. But upon his return to England after a trip to Africa, he found that the young boys of England had taken to his book. He got the idea to use the scout training in his book to teach the boys to be good citizens. He republished the book for young boys and began the scouting movement. His vision was to capture the imagination of the young boys and develop their since of adventure and exploration of the world around them.
A few years later, Boy Scouting had come to the US with the same ideas and purpose. And that purpose is what should be driving the BSA today. With the 100th year anniversary of the BSA, I truly hope that the original vision of scouting is remembered and embraced. Yet I have found a few disturbing issues.
First thing I see is that scouting, (Boys/Girls or both) seem to be for the rich to middle class. The lower class can not afford to get into scouting. I know we are doing it because we believe in it but our kids cannot do everything the pack/troop does. Which sort of hurts them in advancing. Scouting is for everyone. And it should be accessible for all. I am not suggesting that we have a government program to make scouting free for all! Scouting is not for everyone. And that is OK. Not everyone plays football. But to inadvertently exclude a group of people because they don't have or make as much money? It does not line up with Baden-Powell's vision.
Another issue that plagues the Boy Scouts is the issue of pedophiles. There is an unfortunate history of these people with in the ranks of scouting as well as other organization that work with youth. I mean even Facebook has them! Schools have problems. Churches do too. Hospitals, doctors, day cares, and even individual families. The world is full of sin and corruption. What makes scouting different? A mother just sent her adopted Russian son back to Russia with a note saying I cannot care for him anymore. That is abuse, neglect, and more. Yet we do not sue the airline that took him to Russia. We don't sue the state of Tennessee. We go after the mother!
Why do I mention this? Because another item in the news is a trail in Portland, OR concerning a man that was molested at the age of 9. He is now 37 (I am 38). So we are talking over 25 years ago. I DO NOT in ANY way shape of form approve of the man's action that did this to the 9 year old back in 1981. Nor do I condone anyone, male or female that violates a person's body regardless of age. However, the BSA and the local council are both being sued, 29 years later!
There are no statutes of limitations in these cases, however, the BSA has changed A LOT of things since then. Yet, I am sure that it still happens. We have affirmative action plans in place to prevent discrimination in the work place yet it still happens. Our own president created a hostile/sexual work environment in our nation's Oval office! Yet, we are in the new millennium now. And we are above these things! Or are we?
What has the BSA done to protect its youth? Since the early 80's when the above case occurred, BSA has adopted polices that protect youth and leaders. A leader, for example, must never be alone with a scout. there should always be some else there. On over night trips, no leader can sleep with a youth and no youth can sleep alone(without another scout). These are standard practices now. There are also guidelines to how a leader can and should use physical contact with scouts (and other leaders!{unless married to them ;^)}). There is also a background check done.
Another neat thing that is done now is part of what is known as the Bobcat Badge in Cub Scouting (not sure what it is called in Boy Scouts). One of the tasks that is required to get the Bobcat Badge is to go through, with a parent or guardian only, is a Youth Protection lesson. In this lesson, the parent/guardian discusses sexual safety with the young scout (age appropriate!). It gives examples of situations and what should be done. This, in my humble opinion, is an example of how the BSA is taking the responsibility to educate and protect the young boys as much as they can. Does abuse still occur? Yes. Just as having a car alarm does not prevent car theft! But it does reduce it greatly.
Please understand that I would never protect the BSA or any council if they were guilty of neglecting a child's safety (sexual or otherwise!) but neither would I reject the whole group because one guy or lady got through the cracks and did an unthinkable act. I am for the child. First and always.
In conclusion, if the purpose is to encourage and inspire young people using the art of scouting, then we, as parents and leaders should work to maintain that purpose in all we do in scouting and ALWAYS protect those whom we are working for-- the youth.
Over the years we have thought about the two most prominent scouting groups in the world. How can we have the best of both for boys and girls in the same program? We have looked at various other programs (Earth Scouts, Adventure Scouts, Campfire USA, AWANAS). But the tradition Boy and Girl Scouts have won, at least until we either create a new program or someone else does that allows boys and girls to do scouting together yet retain the true essence of scouting.
In this 100th year for the Boy Scouts, I have done some research into the formation of scouting and specifically the BSA. Robert Baden-Powell started scouting as a result of an unexpected phenomenon. He wrote a book on surviving in the wild based on his experiences in Africa. It was intended for his follow military members. But upon his return to England after a trip to Africa, he found that the young boys of England had taken to his book. He got the idea to use the scout training in his book to teach the boys to be good citizens. He republished the book for young boys and began the scouting movement. His vision was to capture the imagination of the young boys and develop their since of adventure and exploration of the world around them.
A few years later, Boy Scouting had come to the US with the same ideas and purpose. And that purpose is what should be driving the BSA today. With the 100th year anniversary of the BSA, I truly hope that the original vision of scouting is remembered and embraced. Yet I have found a few disturbing issues.
First thing I see is that scouting, (Boys/Girls or both) seem to be for the rich to middle class. The lower class can not afford to get into scouting. I know we are doing it because we believe in it but our kids cannot do everything the pack/troop does. Which sort of hurts them in advancing. Scouting is for everyone. And it should be accessible for all. I am not suggesting that we have a government program to make scouting free for all! Scouting is not for everyone. And that is OK. Not everyone plays football. But to inadvertently exclude a group of people because they don't have or make as much money? It does not line up with Baden-Powell's vision.
Another issue that plagues the Boy Scouts is the issue of pedophiles. There is an unfortunate history of these people with in the ranks of scouting as well as other organization that work with youth. I mean even Facebook has them! Schools have problems. Churches do too. Hospitals, doctors, day cares, and even individual families. The world is full of sin and corruption. What makes scouting different? A mother just sent her adopted Russian son back to Russia with a note saying I cannot care for him anymore. That is abuse, neglect, and more. Yet we do not sue the airline that took him to Russia. We don't sue the state of Tennessee. We go after the mother!
Why do I mention this? Because another item in the news is a trail in Portland, OR concerning a man that was molested at the age of 9. He is now 37 (I am 38). So we are talking over 25 years ago. I DO NOT in ANY way shape of form approve of the man's action that did this to the 9 year old back in 1981. Nor do I condone anyone, male or female that violates a person's body regardless of age. However, the BSA and the local council are both being sued, 29 years later!
There are no statutes of limitations in these cases, however, the BSA has changed A LOT of things since then. Yet, I am sure that it still happens. We have affirmative action plans in place to prevent discrimination in the work place yet it still happens. Our own president created a hostile/sexual work environment in our nation's Oval office! Yet, we are in the new millennium now. And we are above these things! Or are we?
What has the BSA done to protect its youth? Since the early 80's when the above case occurred, BSA has adopted polices that protect youth and leaders. A leader, for example, must never be alone with a scout. there should always be some else there. On over night trips, no leader can sleep with a youth and no youth can sleep alone(without another scout). These are standard practices now. There are also guidelines to how a leader can and should use physical contact with scouts (and other leaders!{unless married to them ;^)}). There is also a background check done.
Another neat thing that is done now is part of what is known as the Bobcat Badge in Cub Scouting (not sure what it is called in Boy Scouts). One of the tasks that is required to get the Bobcat Badge is to go through, with a parent or guardian only, is a Youth Protection lesson. In this lesson, the parent/guardian discusses sexual safety with the young scout (age appropriate!). It gives examples of situations and what should be done. This, in my humble opinion, is an example of how the BSA is taking the responsibility to educate and protect the young boys as much as they can. Does abuse still occur? Yes. Just as having a car alarm does not prevent car theft! But it does reduce it greatly.
Please understand that I would never protect the BSA or any council if they were guilty of neglecting a child's safety (sexual or otherwise!) but neither would I reject the whole group because one guy or lady got through the cracks and did an unthinkable act. I am for the child. First and always.
In conclusion, if the purpose is to encourage and inspire young people using the art of scouting, then we, as parents and leaders should work to maintain that purpose in all we do in scouting and ALWAYS protect those whom we are working for-- the youth.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Can I have a witness?
This past Sunday was Resurection day. Easter for the folks who don't think like me (probably a good thing not to!) My Pastor had asked folks to come up and share testimonies if they felt led to do. I thought about my testimony but did not go forward. I did not feel the need to do so. But I did sit and ponder where I have been.
If I did not go up, why do I mention it? Well, it is because I was supposed just ponder it. Also I wanted to share my testimony of Jesus with any of you who reads this post. Pastor spoke about several atheists and their anger towards God and Christians. He spoke about the "over thinking" (my take on it not his) of the truth. He alluted to scholars and thinkers have a harder time knwing God relationally than the artistic people. I think there is much truth to that. But it is not impossible. Read on.....
I was about 14 when I started learning about various different religions. I was a smart kid. Had made Honor Roll many times already and was even part of the National Junior Honor Society. I don't mention this to boast but to give you the picture of a smart, nerdy kind of kid. There is an undeniable fact, each faith group beleives something different and each opposes the others. At 14, I was astute enough to conclude that all religions can be right because they all seemed to contridict each other. So what did a logically thinker do? Came to the only solution there was, The was no God!
At age 14, I became an atheist. This was in 1985. I was determined to make it on my own. I did not need this "god" or whatever. Religion was merely a set of beleived truths for those who were not mentally or emotionaly stronge enough to handle life on their own. God was for the weak. I was strong. I was smart. I would make it.... on my own!
I have always been an easy going person. Not mean spirited at all. But there was something about Christians that made me mad. I heard one day that the Christians had discovered evidence that some guy named Jesus was hung on a tree and came back to life. The audasity! How could they come back thousands of years later and say that some guy dies in a tree and that proves they are right? How dare they! Man, I was mad! I cussed the church out so much, i would still be eating soap!
I developed bad habits. I had a set of morals for myself and I started out really good. But I began breaking the rules so to speak. When this happened, I merely changed the rules. But the truth was, I was not perfect. i continued to break morals, change them, break them, change them. Mean while, I was hurting people. I cheated, I lied, I was selfish. I was becomeing everything I was trying not to be. I began to truely hate myself.
Don't worry, I did commit suicide. I never even thought it. In fact, suicide was another option only for the weak. And I was strong, remember. I did, however, have an ah ha! moment (or an uh ho!). I got to a point where my logic proved illogical. I reviewed my options. I hated who I had become and for a split second, just a second, I thought of suicide as a means of escape. It scared me. I tried to change. I reset all my rules. I started fresh. But within a month, I was doing the same thing! This time, I did not have many options. I did my best to justify myself. But inside, I knew that I was hurting. I needed true freedom from what I was doing to myself. I logically concluded that I was a failure.
Yes, I was a failure. I had twice failed to sucede. I had no hope. I just began to live as best I could. Finding enjoyment in the little things because my passion had died. But that is where God showed up.
There was a man that I was assigned to work a shift with. It was a night shift so there was a lot of down time. We talked. This guy had a screwed up life too. Maybe he would understand. I never really told him how much of a failure I was. Had to keep that a secret. But I did feel better knowing I was not completely alone. Problem with this guy was that he was a Christian. Oh the debating began! I argued my point, he argued his (while I constantly interupted). Neither convinced the other. But we were still friends.
Still friends? I had to wrap my logical brian around that one. I though religion was for weak people! He was certianly not weak. Yet he put his faith in God. A God I despised (probably because it shone a light on my failure). It was not the man that changed me. It was not the man I sought after for anwers. It was his God. I sought after this God that gave my friend hope.
I began to pray and truely seek Him. There was a hope that I desired. A hope for freedom. A hope for forgiviness. I learned that this God loved me. He also wanted to know me and let me know Him just as this man had done. This guy accepted me, faults and all. His God promised the same.
So I gave my life, fully to Him, God. I trusted in Him. I believed what He said enough to try Him. To test Him. If He was real and I could receive the love and hope He promised, it was well worth the chance. On September 12, 1993, I gave Him my life.
Ever since then I have been growing, struggling and wrestling with Him, but He has forgiven me. I always come before He a winner. I was succeeding, not on my own but because of Him. Because He made me.
You know, it is funny. My wife had long believed that atheist were too far gone to save. They would never believe in God. I am sure that for some that is true. But I know that they can. but it is ONLY through the grace of God. For any atheist out there, there is hope when you are ready for it. He will be waiting.
If I did not go up, why do I mention it? Well, it is because I was supposed just ponder it. Also I wanted to share my testimony of Jesus with any of you who reads this post. Pastor spoke about several atheists and their anger towards God and Christians. He spoke about the "over thinking" (my take on it not his) of the truth. He alluted to scholars and thinkers have a harder time knwing God relationally than the artistic people. I think there is much truth to that. But it is not impossible. Read on.....
I was about 14 when I started learning about various different religions. I was a smart kid. Had made Honor Roll many times already and was even part of the National Junior Honor Society. I don't mention this to boast but to give you the picture of a smart, nerdy kind of kid. There is an undeniable fact, each faith group beleives something different and each opposes the others. At 14, I was astute enough to conclude that all religions can be right because they all seemed to contridict each other. So what did a logically thinker do? Came to the only solution there was, The was no God!
At age 14, I became an atheist. This was in 1985. I was determined to make it on my own. I did not need this "god" or whatever. Religion was merely a set of beleived truths for those who were not mentally or emotionaly stronge enough to handle life on their own. God was for the weak. I was strong. I was smart. I would make it.... on my own!
I have always been an easy going person. Not mean spirited at all. But there was something about Christians that made me mad. I heard one day that the Christians had discovered evidence that some guy named Jesus was hung on a tree and came back to life. The audasity! How could they come back thousands of years later and say that some guy dies in a tree and that proves they are right? How dare they! Man, I was mad! I cussed the church out so much, i would still be eating soap!
I developed bad habits. I had a set of morals for myself and I started out really good. But I began breaking the rules so to speak. When this happened, I merely changed the rules. But the truth was, I was not perfect. i continued to break morals, change them, break them, change them. Mean while, I was hurting people. I cheated, I lied, I was selfish. I was becomeing everything I was trying not to be. I began to truely hate myself.
Don't worry, I did commit suicide. I never even thought it. In fact, suicide was another option only for the weak. And I was strong, remember. I did, however, have an ah ha! moment (or an uh ho!). I got to a point where my logic proved illogical. I reviewed my options. I hated who I had become and for a split second, just a second, I thought of suicide as a means of escape. It scared me. I tried to change. I reset all my rules. I started fresh. But within a month, I was doing the same thing! This time, I did not have many options. I did my best to justify myself. But inside, I knew that I was hurting. I needed true freedom from what I was doing to myself. I logically concluded that I was a failure.
Yes, I was a failure. I had twice failed to sucede. I had no hope. I just began to live as best I could. Finding enjoyment in the little things because my passion had died. But that is where God showed up.
There was a man that I was assigned to work a shift with. It was a night shift so there was a lot of down time. We talked. This guy had a screwed up life too. Maybe he would understand. I never really told him how much of a failure I was. Had to keep that a secret. But I did feel better knowing I was not completely alone. Problem with this guy was that he was a Christian. Oh the debating began! I argued my point, he argued his (while I constantly interupted). Neither convinced the other. But we were still friends.
Still friends? I had to wrap my logical brian around that one. I though religion was for weak people! He was certianly not weak. Yet he put his faith in God. A God I despised (probably because it shone a light on my failure). It was not the man that changed me. It was not the man I sought after for anwers. It was his God. I sought after this God that gave my friend hope.
I began to pray and truely seek Him. There was a hope that I desired. A hope for freedom. A hope for forgiviness. I learned that this God loved me. He also wanted to know me and let me know Him just as this man had done. This guy accepted me, faults and all. His God promised the same.
So I gave my life, fully to Him, God. I trusted in Him. I believed what He said enough to try Him. To test Him. If He was real and I could receive the love and hope He promised, it was well worth the chance. On September 12, 1993, I gave Him my life.
Ever since then I have been growing, struggling and wrestling with Him, but He has forgiven me. I always come before He a winner. I was succeeding, not on my own but because of Him. Because He made me.
You know, it is funny. My wife had long believed that atheist were too far gone to save. They would never believe in God. I am sure that for some that is true. But I know that they can. but it is ONLY through the grace of God. For any atheist out there, there is hope when you are ready for it. He will be waiting.
Friday, March 26, 2010

When I began to search for a career, I thought of continuing in electronics as I did that in the military. But it did not fulfill me. It did not give me passion. It was a ”job” and that was it. When I applied for a job in sales, the manager asked me what my biggest weakness was. My answer was that I was shy and not a “people person.” A week after starting the job, she came up to me and said, “I don’t know why you say you are not a ‘people person.’ You are wonderful with the customers. I just don’t see it.” I realized that what she said was true and wondered why. It was the serving the customer that drove me. It made me come alive. I have had a few other sales jobs and could not bring myself to work in the commission based jobs because it was selling to the customer and not for the customer. I want to meet the needs of people.
What seizes my imagination is the smile and twinkle in a person’s eyes. I have always been driven by the joy and happiness of others. This goal of bringing these things to those around me has shaped the very person I am. I get up and start my day wanting to make at least one person happy. I have been the most alive when I can serve someone.
This shapes the way I work. I work in healthcare as a nursing assistant. I am constantly striving to give high quality care but also to treat the patients with respect and dignity. I do all that I can to ease their sorrow and to make their difficult times a bit better. To hold a hand of a man who is dying; or comfort a loved one; or just spend time talking about their family. Those are the things that I live for.
It also shapes my family. My time off is spent with my wife and three kids spending time with them. One of the things I like to do is cook. I love cooking for the family because it makes them feel good. They enjoy it. I help teach the kids and we laugh and play. I may miss out on doing adult things but my family is special and we are happy. I love waking up to them everyday.
Every where I go, I try to bring a smile and blessing. I will tell jokes, stories or simple encouragement. Even the cashier at the store gets a pleasant smile and greeting. But what really gets me going strong is when I can use the unique knowledge and skills that I have to serve others. It is the most rewarding thing to help someone.
With this drive, I have become involved in many community activities such as Cub Scouts, children’s programs at my local church, serving dinner at church, teaching CPR, and many others. This is also why I work at the VA hospital. I want to serve those that have served.
My life passion of serving others has manifested itself in my career in healthcare. This is the reason I am pursuing nursing. It is where my skills lay and at it’s very core it serves others, especially when they need it most. To sum up my life’s passion in a purpose statement, I need to borrow from the US Air Force, “Integrity first, Service before self, and excellence in all we do.” This is the key to my life, the reason for my being.
What seizes my imagination is the smile and twinkle in a person’s eyes. I have always been driven by the joy and happiness of others. This goal of bringing these things to those around me has shaped the very person I am. I get up and start my day wanting to make at least one person happy. I have been the most alive when I can serve someone.
This shapes the way I work. I work in healthcare as a nursing assistant. I am constantly striving to give high quality care but also to treat the patients with respect and dignity. I do all that I can to ease their sorrow and to make their difficult times a bit better. To hold a hand of a man who is dying; or comfort a loved one; or just spend time talking about their family. Those are the things that I live for.
It also shapes my family. My time off is spent with my wife and three kids spending time with them. One of the things I like to do is cook. I love cooking for the family because it makes them feel good. They enjoy it. I help teach the kids and we laugh and play. I may miss out on doing adult things but my family is special and we are happy. I love waking up to them everyday.
Every where I go, I try to bring a smile and blessing. I will tell jokes, stories or simple encouragement. Even the cashier at the store gets a pleasant smile and greeting. But what really gets me going strong is when I can use the unique knowledge and skills that I have to serve others. It is the most rewarding thing to help someone.
With this drive, I have become involved in many community activities such as Cub Scouts, children’s programs at my local church, serving dinner at church, teaching CPR, and many others. This is also why I work at the VA hospital. I want to serve those that have served.
My life passion of serving others has manifested itself in my career in healthcare. This is the reason I am pursuing nursing. It is where my skills lay and at it’s very core it serves others, especially when they need it most. To sum up my life’s passion in a purpose statement, I need to borrow from the US Air Force, “Integrity first, Service before self, and excellence in all we do.” This is the key to my life, the reason for my being.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
For the Love of Family
Someone recently expressed that they were dealing with the question of following a call into vocational ministry and doing it as a single person. The same idea that Paul mentions when he says that he wished all could be as he was and not marry. But here is the deal, God has ordained marriage. He has also called some to be single. Both are very good in the eyes of God. I know that I have the love of family that wells up inside of me. I knew this since I was a teen. Yet it took me until I was 28 to have a family!
I don't know how to look at anyone else and say, "you are to remain single before God." Or, "You should marry, because God wants us all to be married." I can NOT speak to what God is doing in the hearts of someone else. What I do know is that above all else I had a desire for a family.
Once while in my early teens, we took in a young lady who's mother kicked her out. We gave her a place to stay. She had a son named Timmy. I used to play with Timmy as much as I could. I remember wanting a child of my own. Even at 13/14 I wanted to be a father. I was never good with the ladies. Too much fear immobilized me. So I pondered the possibility of having a kid without a wife (not that I could get married, I was too young). As I grew up, I learned much about myself and much about life. By the time I was 23, I had done many things that were far from love. I lied and cheated just to please myself. The year I turned 23, I came incountered with the Love of God. A Love I had never known before. He changed my life and perspective. As I grew closer to Him and learned more about His Love, I began to feel the Love well up inside of me. I desired a wife. I desired a family. Not for myself. But to share the Love I now had inside.
God did bring me a wife and family. All despite my own impatience. I married in 1998 and had my first child in 1999. Ever since then, When it was time to add to our family, my wife and I would feel the need to give the overflowing Love we had inside us. Now it is 2010 and we have three children. We have that feeling again.
But here is the main issue, when looking at the world around us, how do we choose between job, career, family, hobbies, etc. I want to be a nurse. I want it for many reasons but one is to give to people in need. To heal. Yet going to school takes away from family. I love my family. They are the ones God has called me to minister first. So if I need to wait to go to school, I will wait. If I need to put some things in my life on hold, I will. All for the Love of my family.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
To be or not to be, a nurse....

OK, I have made the statement before that I WILL become a nurse. Well, I have been speaking with my wife to great lengths. We originally agreed that we would always put our family first. At this time, going to school might disrupt our family too much. However, I do believe that I will be able to get into school in a year. That also gives me time to get settled in a full time job at the VA. I have to be full time for a year to get the education benefits. So this might work out.
I must admit that I have seen several other opportunities present themselves. But I honestly feel that i am a nurse at heart. It may never get to the nurse practitioner level but a nurse none the same. But I wonder if one class will be too bad after we get into our house.....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
When can I move into my house??!!
Ok, I have read advice to not fall in love with a house you want to buy or don't get hung up on certain "must have" features that may be bring the price too high. But yet, my wife and I have found a haouse we really like. We are working on financing and have some issues to work on. Yet we want this house.
On the flip side, I have also been told to pray for these things. "If this is what you want, pray and God will work things out." So, if this is true, we should be able to get it. Even my kids are praying for it.
The question is, how to balance the desires of the heart and seeking and trusting God. If someone else buys the house, what does that mean? I have prayed before and t did not happen. Am I to just accept that it was not God's will? Did I not pray enough? Is there something that I am doing that is keeping me from receiving His blessing like sin?
I have read books and the Bible and have not come to a conclusion. I have heard advice, testimonies, and witnesses. Yet there is not any clear answer. Bottom line is that I want that house and it seems that I can't get it. Am I being too pessimistic? (spelling)
Well, I am just pondering these things outloud. We will see what happens in time.'
On the flip side, I have also been told to pray for these things. "If this is what you want, pray and God will work things out." So, if this is true, we should be able to get it. Even my kids are praying for it.
The question is, how to balance the desires of the heart and seeking and trusting God. If someone else buys the house, what does that mean? I have prayed before and t did not happen. Am I to just accept that it was not God's will? Did I not pray enough? Is there something that I am doing that is keeping me from receiving His blessing like sin?
I have read books and the Bible and have not come to a conclusion. I have heard advice, testimonies, and witnesses. Yet there is not any clear answer. Bottom line is that I want that house and it seems that I can't get it. Am I being too pessimistic? (spelling)
Well, I am just pondering these things outloud. We will see what happens in time.'
Sunday, January 3, 2010
War or Peace
I have been challenged of late to look at my world view and my view of war specifically. I want so badly to say, "Hell yes! go kill those SOB's!" But Is this the Kingdom that Jesus spoke of? He Himself with all His power and might rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, a sign of a humble king seeking peace. Only the war king would arrive on a horse. But Jesus choose a donkey. I have had the quote, "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword" bouncing around my head like a ping pong ball. Is the Kingdom Jesus speaks of one brought on by violence? Is turning the other cheek being a pansy? Jesus' Kingdom was brought on by him riding a symbol of peace. Not of War. I have often thought, "why can't the most evil people like Hitler or those like him be saved? Did Christ not die for them? He did. So there is hope for them until they die. But what if they die by my hand? Have I ended that person's chance of salvation? Only God knows for sure. But Mine is not to judge someone to death. It is God's choice alone.
But I cannot excape the fact that there are times when God uses peole to bring justice. I also cannot shake the truth that there are those that are hurt or killed by others and cannot defend themselves. Who will stand for them? I believe that there is a time for physical defense of the inocent and to stop someone from killing. But does that go against Jesus' teachings? Maybe, maybe not. He has stopped the needless killings of other many times. I believe there are those times that makes violence nessary.
So I have come to the conclussion that war is wrong and killing is against the plan of God for us in His Kingdom. But there is a time to end more killing, there is a justified time to use violence to stop more violence.
With that said, what of this current war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where there have been some good and noble reasons for these wars, I do not think we should be there now. We have too many our own issues here in the States to be trying to fix others. If we do not fix many of our own problems, we will never be able to help anyone else. We need to fix our own broken issues first. Not only that, but are the people there totally defenceless? Let's love them and work on giving them a chance to know our God. Let's not give up hope on them just because they have given up on us. Let us pray not fight. Let us love not kill.
I may have some of these thoughts a bit jumbled in my thoughts. I will clarify anything that anyone does not make since you.
But I cannot excape the fact that there are times when God uses peole to bring justice. I also cannot shake the truth that there are those that are hurt or killed by others and cannot defend themselves. Who will stand for them? I believe that there is a time for physical defense of the inocent and to stop someone from killing. But does that go against Jesus' teachings? Maybe, maybe not. He has stopped the needless killings of other many times. I believe there are those times that makes violence nessary.
So I have come to the conclussion that war is wrong and killing is against the plan of God for us in His Kingdom. But there is a time to end more killing, there is a justified time to use violence to stop more violence.
With that said, what of this current war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where there have been some good and noble reasons for these wars, I do not think we should be there now. We have too many our own issues here in the States to be trying to fix others. If we do not fix many of our own problems, we will never be able to help anyone else. We need to fix our own broken issues first. Not only that, but are the people there totally defenceless? Let's love them and work on giving them a chance to know our God. Let's not give up hope on them just because they have given up on us. Let us pray not fight. Let us love not kill.
I may have some of these thoughts a bit jumbled in my thoughts. I will clarify anything that anyone does not make since you.
This is a story about how my life got turned upside down....

I recently posted the title of this blog as a thought on facebook, just to see if anyone would know where it was from. Side note, it is from Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But after posting it, I began to think about the whole plot and how it apllies to our lives. Then this morning's sermon tied it all together. Pator talked about Saul/Paul. I will summerize for you. Saul was a leader n the Jewish sect. He went around killing believers in Jesus. On the road to Damacus, his life got turn upside down. He met Jesus and was blinded. Jesus then gave him a new name-- Paul. Just as Will changed his name from just Fresh Prince to Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Now Saul is Paul. Not just a name change, Paul also spent three days learning about Jesus and changing his point of view on the world around him. He then began a life totally opposite of his previous life. Instead of killing Christians, he help people become Christians.
This has spoken to my life in that I have to ask, "How has my life been turned upside down?" I was a selfish atheist that had lied and cheated. Once I allowed Jesus to change my world view, I changed my life. I live for Him and not myself. Oh sure I fail at times, so did Paul. But God's grace is more powerful than me. How has God turned your life upside down? are living for Him or against Him? I am not talking about just going to church. I am talking about a true change that people will say, "is this the person we used to know?"
This is your story about how your life got turned upside down....
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