Saturday, February 5, 2011

No more Super Bowl for me!

I watched several NFL games throughout the past season as well as many of the play off games.  Very entertaining.  A few very close games.  But after the last playoff game two weeks ago, I realized that I cannot support it!  Do you know how much many is spent for the Super Bowl (SB)?  Once you know, you will see why I can't do it anymore.  I want ot say right off, I like watching football.  I beleive in sports.  But to what extent do we go for them? 

I did a bit of research into the subject and found that if Americans would put the money spent on the Super Bowl alone into a bank account,  there would be $666,380,000 (rough numbers based on 2011 ticket prices and parking fees) in it.  This is not including the price of food at the games, the airfare to Dallas, the rental car fees, the hotels costs, the memoribilia, nor the various parties in Dallas area and all across the country.  Even President Obama is having a party with J Lo and her man Marc Anthony! 

Some facts from 2009 say that an estimated 1 billion chicken wings will be eaten during the SB.  325.5 million gallons of beer.  28 million lbs of tator chips.

Oh, how about those 30 sec really cool commercials they have?  going for $2.5 million-$3 million!  For just 30 seconds of time!  Do you remeber what you saw 30 seconds ago?  Seriously, in the age of youtube, we watch so much I can't beleive anyone will be that affected by 30 seconds that they probably did not really see cause they were getting up to go pee out the 5 beers they just drank!  Would not make me just leave the game and buy a new car!

I also looked at the salaries of the players, who get a nice bonus if they get to the SB.  The average annual salary for these guys to play a game is $770,000!  How many players are on a team again?  The highest paid salaries are around $16 million-- a year!  And who pays their salaries?  We do by buying the beer and the chips and the game tickets and the clothes and the NFL channel fees and the Exclusive memberships! 

Ok, back to focus on the SB.  A 16 ounce beer at the stadium will cost you $10, a 32-ounce soda runs $7, and a hot dog is $6. I found one source that said it will cost $5 million for the food need at Dallas Stadium.  So lets round the total for this one game to about $1billion for a 2-3 hour game.  If just that much was put toward the national debt?  And we did it once a year?  It may not seem like much but if we stopped the bleeding in our government and then put atleast a billion dollars toward the debt every year, we would make a huge impact!  Or even if we just used that much money toward helping the homeless or the poor?  Where is this human caring that we laud as American values?

It was flushed down the Super Bowl.

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